From my personal experience
Interviews can be intimidating. However, there are ways to make it less stressful. Today, I would like to share some tips with you that were helpful in my own job search as an international job seeker.
General tip (a very important one): start preparation as soon as you were notified about your interview.
Step 1
Review the job posting more than once. I personally try to remember what main qualifications are needed for the job and what are the main responsibilities that I will be performing. The purpose of the thorough revision of the job posting is to make sure that you can easily speak the language that was used in it. Another reason is that you can easily link your replies with the requirements of the job. If you can do it, you will leave a very positive impression on the interview panel members. That’s the goal, isn’t it :)?
Step 2
Do a mock-interview (preferably more than once). Options on how to do it are endless. The best way to conduct it is to ask a friend, mentor, family member, anyone who you would feel comfortable with. If there is no one, the mirror is the last resort. Trying to come up with answers to a hypothetical question even in front of a mirror would increase your confidence and put you at ease during the interview.
Step 3
Search interview questions on the Internet. For instance, if you are applying for a “Training Specialist” role, search for “Training Specialist interview questions”. I just did and the search engine gave me about 98,700,000 results (0.53 seconds). Pretty impressive, right?
Step 4
Write down accomplishments that you have achieved in the past (small or big). Ensure that you jot down those that would address skills, abilities, experience, or knowledge that are required to do the job you are applying for. The interviewer is not interested in your experience that is not related to the role that they are filling. Respect their time and yours. Instead, maximize the likelihood of your success by using the allotted time in your favor by providing examples that highlight your unique skills and abilities to do the job.
Step 5
Use STAR statements. STAR=Situation + Task + Action + Result. You can use this structure with almost all your responses. It not only will show how you achieved your goals/accomplishments, but it would help interviewers to predict your future behavior (which is very important).
Step 6
Make sure you check the address and the route of the interview location. Leave your home ahead of time. It is better to be early than late. Arriving 5–10 minutes prior to the interview time is advised. If you are too early, take a walk or wait in a coffee shop. If you have an online interview, make sure not to be late. In life, everything can happen. If you are late, make sure to call the person who invited you for an interview and explain the situation. Once arrived, do not forget to apologize to the interview panel members.
Step 7
Before leaving your home, you can use some of the vocal exercises that Julian Treasure shares with us in his TED Talk named “How To Speak So That People Want To Listen” (to be honest, I use the exercises every time when I need to do a presentation or speech at Toastmasters).
These are some simple and very doable steps for you to overcome the anxiety that arises with interview preparation and attendance. Please feel free to share if any of these steps helped you or if you want me to share other tips related to a job search. Good luck with your next interview!