Sense of relief… this is how I feel after interviews. Sometimes, I feel I could have done better. Other times, I feel that I did my best. Importantly, while all these emotions and thoughts rush into your mind, keep it cool. Here are some tips to make the most out of your post-interview stage.
TIP #1
1. Don’t forget to send a “thank you” note to the interview panel. If you do not remember their names or do not have their emails, you can kindly ask an HR person who sent you the interview invitation. If you get a response that the emails can’t be shared due to confidentiality, you can prepare an email and kindly ask an HR representative to send it on your behalf to the interview panel.
TIP #2
Make sure to thank the person who coordinated your interview.
TIP #3
Ensure you have an up-to-date reference list with current email addresses and phone numbers in case the hiring manager decides to move ahead with your candidacy.
TIP #4
Follow-up with an organization after 7–10 days from your interview date.
TIP #5
If you get a rejection email, do not hesitate to ask for feedback. Honestly, the tendency is that most companies do not provide feedback due to legal implications. Do not be discouraged, even if one company out of 10 agrees to give you feedback, it is your gain.
TIP #6
Make sure to connect with the panel members on LinkedIn so you can stay in touch with them. Mention something admirable that you have remembered from the interview (the remark will leave a positive impression). Also, it is a nice way to expand your network.
TIP #7
If you are a successful candidate, you will most probably be asked to provide your references. Make sure to send the names of your references as soon as possible as it will expedite the process.
I hope these tips will help you to stay on top of things and prepare you for the next steps of your dream job search. Good luck!